Sahil's Life

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Archive for the month “March, 2013”

What I Like To Do When I’m Dead Bored

Dear reader , this isnt a typical post but I thought it would be fun to write this out!

So here are a few things that I like to do when I am dead bored(In No Particular Order)


1. Eat Ice Cream – Always works for everyone , I mean who doesn’t like Ice cream!! It’s just impossible not to like this creation of the almighty. Trust me , Jesus invented ice cream for a purpose , and that purpose is , for us to eat it when we are bored!

2. Arrange My Room – Sounds boring? And sounds super boring when you think of doing this when you are super bored? Well , trust me on this one guys , turn on some really cool(the best you got) music and open up your wardrobe and start arranging stuff. Arrange your bookshelf , your desk or anything you want to.  After you’re finished , you’ll know what the reward is.

3. Music Music Music – Now this is simple , just put on some headphones and sit on a couch or lie on you bed and listen to some cool music. It can be anything you like. For eg. I like Rock N Roll , when I’m bored , I listen to Led Zeppelin , Deep Purple , Kiss and stuff.

4. Read a book. – Such an obvious yet an amazing option to consider doing while you’re bored. You can read a mystery novel , a self help book or a poetry book maybe. It enhances your vocabulary and creativity skills.

5. Write! – This can be anything , for eg. I am bored right now(this very freakin’ moment) and I am writing this article. You can write a poem(I write poetry too! or a story or maybe a journal/diary.

6. Do Things You’ve Never Done Before – Now let me give you an example here , when I was bored a few days ago I thought of doing three things that I never did before:- 1. Write a Song.   2. Ride a Roller Coaster 3. Bang my head 10 times on the wall…and it worked!! I wasn’t bored! I was actually enjoying what I was doing.


So people I hope this post helped , any suggestion? Or if you wanna tell me what you like to do when you’re bored , just drop a line or two in the comments.


– Sahil

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